Feels Twice As Real


Feels Twice As Real

for member only content

Feels Twice As Real
recorded on Asking (2020)


Feels Twice As Real
recorded on Asking (2020)

When what you’ve dreamed becomes real
and all you’ve wanted is to be here ~ how do you feel?

In time, it’s when, and twice as real.

Soldier of Order and Free as the Wind
he asks her again and again
when did we start to believe?

In time, she answers, in time… in time, in time.

Soldier of Order and Quiet as Dawn
his breathing is private ~ her dreams carry on
he echoes in time… why did we begin?

It’s when, she answers, it’s when… it’s when ~ not why.

How do you feel?
When what you’ve dreamed
Becomes real?

Beholden to Beauty and Up with the Dawn
her memory is fleeting ~ his is gone
banished from daylight these ghosts who believe

In time that faith conquers fear, in time dreams are real.

Beholden to Beauty and Gone with the Wind
in time she tells him again and again
all that matters is what you feel

When in your dreams and when it’s real.

And its real ~ as real as your dreams feel, so real… surreal.

And how do you feel?

When what you’ve dreamed becomes real
and all you’ve wanted is to be here ~ how do you feel?

It’s when, it’s time, it’s twice as real.




Wish You Fare Well
No Imagined Nation

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